IMPACS - Internal

Contacts and Documents

Forms and Documents

This page contains the forms and documents associated with the Industrial Year. Please refer to the other pages for information regarding their use.

Contact Details

If you wish to advertise a position to our students, please contact the Industrial Year Administrator (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.):

Industrial Year Administrator Mrs. Myfanwy Cowdy


Department of Computer Science
Aberystwyth University
Ceredigion SY23 3DB


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


01970 622424

Students currently on placement will have been allocated an Academic Supervisor who will be an academic member of the department and should be the first port of call for queries related to a specific student. The student should be aware of who their Academic Supervisor is. In case of very urgent or sensitive issues or if the academic supervisor is unavailable, please contact the Industrial Year Coordinator below.

To discuss any aspect of Industrial Placements including suitability of potential placements, please contact the Industrial Year Coordinator (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.):

Industrial Year Coordinator Dr. Neal Snooke


Department of Computer Science
Aberystwyth University
Ceredigion SY23 3DB


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


01970 621782

Staff Information

Guidelines For Academic Supervisors

The information on this page including the visit discussion points and a blank visit report form is available as a single IY Supervision Guidelines(docx) file. The individual forms are available from the quick links on the left side of the page.

The main tasks for staff allocated IY students to supervise are mentioned on this page. The most important point is to maintain contact with the student throughout the year and act quicky if anything untoward happens. Almost all students have a very successful and productive placement, but the nature of the IY means there are a range of potential issues (many out of our control) that very occasionally happen and early intervention can prevent bigger problems.

Establish Contact

As soon as supervisors have been allocated and circulated to staff (normally during August/Sept) and the students have started their job, supervisors should establish contact with the student at the earliest opportunity. Normally their Aber email works fine, however sometimes students do not read their Aber email, or it is blocked if they have not paid their fees on time, and it is then necessary to be a little creative. We ask students to provide contact information and start dates on their placement confirmation form and that information will have been circulated with the allocation list. If there is and difficulty contacting the student contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. we will deal with it. Now is a good time to remind students about the final report at the end of the year (if their year is assessed) and suggest a work diary as a good way of collecting material to feed into that.

Supervisors should also ensure that the employer is aware of their responsibilities (refer to the Guide for employers document.)

Maintain contact

Maintain contact with the student throughout the year. This is typically through email. I would expect at least a monthly contact. Sometimes this only need be a brief "everything is OK" email message, although some students send frequent detailed reports. Supervisors should look out for any signs that anything is amiss and report difficulties (including loss of contact) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and it will be investigated it for you. Skype/blogs and social media etc can all help maintain contact as appropriate. The students are well aware of the fees they pay for the year and the Academic Supervisor is an important (and the most visible) part of the justification for this charge.

Visit the employer site

Supervisors should visit the employer site twice during the year for students in the UK. Ideally the visits should be near the start of the placement and near the end. An early visit is essential for employers we do not know. Please ask the IY Administrator for any background information you may require. We only visit students abroad if it is convenient (typically the trip may be combined with some other meeting). For overseas student's regular email contact and Skype or phone meetings should be arranged.

Usually the visits can be arranged via the student, asking them to ensure their line manager is available and knows we will be visiting. Each visit tends to be slightly different, but generally 1-2 hours is sufficient. I usually ask the student to show me what they have been working on, preferably at their normal desk/office. Afterwards I ask to meet with the line manager responsible for the student. This may be with the student or not it depends on what you feel is appropriate in the circumstances - often the employer indicates a preference which in most cases I am happy to follow. Some employers use it as an opportunity to give feedback to the student. If possible I also try and talk to the student privately at some point to give them a chance to say what they really think of the company (perhaps in a meeting room, or go for a coffee if necessary etc.) The following discussion points may be useful:

Please formally record each visit on an Academic Supervisor visit form and return to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon a possible after the visit. If you receive feedback we should act on or encounter problems with the student or employer please discuss with the IY Coordinator. If you have a student who might be an inspiration/role model to other students please let the IY Coordinator know so that we can involve them in various events or materials.

Obtain the employer Assessment

Remind the employer that it is very important the report form is completed and returned to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible after the student finishes. The form is available on the Employer Page at:

The employer grade accounts for 50% of the credits the student obtains for the year and this is based on the "overall rating" given. Any additional comments also provided are useful for the students file. Academic Supervisors should ensure the Employer is aware of their responsibility regarding the employer assessment. Please discuss what is required and why at the first visit. At the second visit discuss the proposed overall rating with the employer and provide moderation in the rare cases where the employer expectations do not conform to our expectations (in either direction). Employers may submit their own internal appraisal in place of the form, however it is extremely helpful if some indication of the achievement in the terms described on our form. The IY Administrator will chase employer forms directly with employers if necessary or if they are not returned by the start of term following the placement. Please pass on any forms that come back directly to you!

General points
  • Try to combine visits if there is more than one student in the same area.
  • Use the most economic travel arrangements. Ask the general office to book rental cars etc.
  • The IY Administrator will ask Academic Supervisors to chase Employer Assessment Forms in August/September. Please make every effort to obtain the employer marks, it is essential for the exam board.
This page is maintained by Neal Snooke (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Information For Students

Information For Employers

Industrial Year

Background information

These pages contain information about computer science industrial (sandwich) year placements. The links on the left of the page provide information for students, employers and academic staff. This site has recently been redesigned but the old site is still available for now

Each year around 70 Aber computer science students take a year working in industry between their second and third years of study. There are a variety of degree schemes that include a compulsory assessed year in industry. Students on other schemes can take a non assessed sandwich year on the Year in Employment (YES) scheme; those students will not receive the same level of support from the university during the placement and obtain no module credits from it. Be aware that some of the University level documents use the term sandwich year to refer to both types of placement.

Industrial year placements are real paid jobs with the usual application process. Our students obtain jobs with a wide range of employers from very small companies right up to large international corporations, both in the UK and abroad. Although we have many employers who regularly take students we do not 'place' or 'allocate' students. Generally employers provide us with a job description, which we circulate to the students. Students then apply for jobs in which they are interested and are interviewed or subjected to other selection procedures according to the employer's usual recruitment practice.

Degree Schemes that include an industrial Year
Contact Details

If you wish to advertise a position to our students, please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.):

Industrial Year Administrator Mrs. Myfanwy Cowdy
Department of Computer Science
Aberystwyth University
Ceredigion SY23 3DB

Tel. 01970 622424

Students currently on placement will have been allocated an academic supervisor who will be an academic member of the department and should be the first port of call for queries related to a specific student. The student should be aware of who their academic supervisor is. In case of very urgent or sensitive issues or if the academic supervisor is unavailable, please contact the Industrial Year Coordinator below.

To discuss any aspect of Industrial Placements including suitability of potential placements, please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.):

Industrial Year Coordinator Dr. Neal Snooke

Department of Computer Science
Aberystwyth University
Ceredigion SY23 3DB

Tel. 01970 621782


This page is maintained by Neal Snooke (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).