IMPACS - Internal

Gregynog Employability Event

Gregynog Half Weekend for Second Year Students


Every year, we organise a 'weekend' for second years with compulsory industrial year. The evening and day focus around mock interviews with real industrialists from companies like Google, Oracle, United Technologies (UTC), GE, Portaltech Reply, Network Rail, DataSift etc.

Venue & cost

The weekend will be held at Gregynog a country house and conference centre owned by the University of Wales. The cost to students is £40 (paid via the web shop ).

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The weekend will include interviews, skills building, assessment center information, talks from employers, and from students recently returned from their IY as well as time in the bar.

All second years with an integrated industrial year as part of their degree are encouraged to attend, others may if there is room.



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The event takes place this year on the Friday 28th and Saturday 29th October 2016. We will leave campus by coach at 4pm (sharp) on the 28th and return to Aber around 6pm on the 29th. The coaches will leave from the bus stop at the campus entrance - the one on the opposite side of the main campus entrance road to the porters lodge.

CV clinics, CV and covering letter submission

You must submit your CV and covering letter (deadline 24st October) for one of the jobs listed under Blackboard module DEPT-N-UG: Computer Science Student Resources. Follow the sidebar link for Industrial Year. Submit your CV and covering letter using the TurnitIn links at the end of that page.

Morwenna from careers will be available in the CS department foyer to discuss CV's covering letters the week before the CV and covering letter deadline Please sign up for a slot at the hatch in advance to fix a slot.

Dress code for the event

The dress code for the Saturday will be SMART (no jeans, T shirts etc). You should dress as you would for a job interview. You will be meeting a number of real employers. Friday evening can be casual attire.

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.

This page is maintained by Neal Snooke (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the industrial placement students should be able to:

  • Describe the structure and organizational environment of the company.
  • Describe experience of working in a professional (commercial) working environment.
  • Describe and critically analyse experience of working in a team and/or working towards part of a larger strategic endeavour, or company objectives.
  • Discuss and evaluate the management culture of the company.
  • Develop and appreciate the need for time keeping and planning skills.
  • Describe their technical experience in an area of the computing/IT/Software industry.
  • Critically analyse the technical and non-technical aspects of their working environment.

The learning outcomes are assessed through the report completed by the student at end of the industrial placement.

This page is maintained by Neal Snooke (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Guidelines and Assessment Criteria for Industrial Year Reports

If you are registered for a degree that requires you to undertake an industrial placement, then you have to produce a report on your year out; the marks awarded for this report constitute 50% of the assessment of your industrial year, through which the report contributes to your final degree assessment. This page is also available as a pdf version of the IY Report Guidelines.

The report must be handed in at the beginning of the year when you return to the university. Check the Industrial Year web page for details of exactly when and in what form the report should be submitted. The report must be handed in at the beginning of the year when you return to the university. You must leave enough time to have the document approved by your company if this is necessary to comply with their confidentiality requirements. Check with your line manager well in advance and, if at all possible, avoid including confidential or commercially sensitive information in the report.

Report Content Guidelines

Because students' experience on their industrial years is so varied, we do not prescribe a structure for the reports. Nevertheless, most reports will include the following elements:

  • a description of the organisational environment in which you worked;
  • a description of the technical and application environments in which you worked;
  • a description of the work you carried out;
  • a critical evaluation of the experience you gained.
Organisational Environment

This is concerned with the nature of the organisation for which you worked and your place within the organisation. It might, for example, contain paragraphs like the following:

Megalomaniac Enterprises is a conglomerate operating in over 120 countries, with its head office in Liechtenstein. It is a private company owned and run by a Mr Aurwen Geldmann. Its operations range from mining to pharmaceuticals and from laundries to banks. There are 37 separate operating companies within the group.

During my industrial year I was employed by one of the banking subsidiaries, the Burma Rangoon International Banking Emporium, at its London office near the Houses of Parliament. The London office is divided into four divisions, three operational divisions (private banking, commercial banking, special services) and a common services division. The common services division is responsible for providing infrastructure (e.g. computing and telecommunications) for the rest of the office. I worked in the communications department of the common services division.

Within the communications department, there are several separate teams. I was initially assigned to the maintenance team and given particular responsibility for the local area network in the office. After the first three months I was offered the opportunity, which I accepted, to transfer to the special projects team. Although this team reported up to the head of the London office, in the normal way, it also, on occasions, received instructions direct from Mr Geldmann himself.

If you worked for a large company, this section is likely to be quite lengthy. If you worked for a small company, it may be quite short.

Technical and Application Environments

In this section you should describe the hardware and software environment within which you worked. This should be reasonably comprehensive without being too detailed, e.g.

The computer I was given for my own use was a Dell tower with an Intel i7 processor, 8GB of memory and a 500GB hard disk. This computer was connected to a 100Mbps internal network with MAC address identification to access internal services. The network was split into two sub-networks at the internet router, one for the internal wired network and the other for the wireless network. The wireless network was split this way to prevent wireless access to internal services without authentication. Authentication can be gained by using a VPN to connect to the internal network. The company operates a set of local servers mostly from Dell with one from Oracle. The Dell servers are used as SCM (Software Configuration Management) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) servers, and as internal web servers. There are two source control servers, one of which is internal only and the other of which is externally accessible. These support CVS, SVN and Git. (CVS is a public domain client-server revision control system; SVN - Apache Subversion - is a software versioning and revision control system available under the Apache licence; and Git is a distributed revision control system, originally used for the development of the Linux kernel.) The Dell servers also contain web based software for browsing the repositories. There is also a Windows domain server, which mirrors a server in Paris, and the Oracle server is used for virtualisation. . . . and so on.

(Note the way in which acronyms are explained on their first appearance.)

It may well be appropriate to include some comments on your experience with this environment. Under the application environment heading, you should describe what the computer systems you worked on were doing, e.g. general ledger, production control. You need to put in enough detail for someone who is unfamiliar with the application area to understand what is going on. In some cases, this may be a suitable place to describe the flow of information, etc., within the environment.

What You Did

This should start with a clear and well-structured summary, e.g.

When I joined the company, I was sent on a four week training course to learn how to write Ruby, and how to use the various utilities that were in regular use in the department. The course also introduced me to the company's standards and procedures.

On completion of the course, I joined the five person team responsible for maintaining the purchase ledger system. The main task of the team at that time was to modify the system so that managers could make on-line enquiries about outstanding purchase orders. I was given two small programs to write and conduct unit tests on. A detailed design for each of the programs was already available. The programs were each about 200 statements long; writing and testing the two took me about eight weeks.

I was then asked to help in producing the test data for the on-line version of the system. This involved careful reading of the functional specification and I came to understand fully what the system did. Along with a systems analyst, it took me ten weeks to produce the necessary data. The test data was reviewed by other members of the team and we took a further two weeks to incorporate the modifications requested. . . .

You should then pick out and amplify, in separate subsections, those parts of your work that seem the most interesting.

Critical Evaluation

This is the place where you should say what you learned from the experience and in what respects it was good or bad. You should try to avoid being trivial. The following are the sort of comments that might appear:

I was surprised at the extent of the testing that was carried out. From my course, I knew that testing was important but I hadn’t realised that this meant going systematically through the functional specification and testing every statement it made about the functions of the system. It took longer to test a module than to write it.

Given how seriously testing was taken, it was odd to find that other forms of quality management were almost non-existent. There was no formal reviewing of specifications and there were no code walk-throughs. There was no configuration management and several errors occurred because wrong versions of modules were used.

Technically, I don't think I learned a lot from my year, except how to write Ruby - an experience which I hope never to have to repeat! However, I learned a lot about the way software development teams work and what it means to have real users.

As well as discussing what you learned from a technical point of view, you should try to say something about your non-technical experiences, in such areas as teamwork and communication.

Structure and Presentation

We do not prescribe the length of the report. However, unless you write very well indeed, you are unlikely to be able to say all that needs to be said in fewer than 5000 words. Equally, you may find it difficult to retain the reader's attention if it is much longer than this - and bored readers are not likely to award high marks.

The report structure should help readers to understand the report and find their way around it. The report should be divided appropriately into numbered sections and subsections; there should be a table of contents and the pages should be numbered. The section and subsection headings should indicate accurately what is in them. A common failing is to include material in one section or subsection that really belongs somewhere else, for example, putting a sentence explaining how travelling expenses were paid into the section describing the hardware you were using. Sometimes, of course, there may be several places in which a particular piece item might reasonably be placed; in such cases you should generally try to avoid duplicating the material.

Many industrial placements involve using specialised software referred to by a set of initials, e.g. STAP. The first time you mention a piece of software in this way, you should explain what the initials stand for and what, very briefly, the software does. For example, "In order to comply with company standards, I had to use STAP (Software Testing Aid for Python). This a package supplied by Llanilar Software Ltd which is used to generate sets of test cases."

Unless you are very confident of your ability to write well, we recommend that you ask someone else to read through the report and comment on it. This is one way of improving the way you write. If you make significant changes as a result of other people's comments, you should acknowledge their contribution. You will not be marked down for this.

Make sure that you run the final version of the report through a spell checker and grammar checker before you submit it.

Assessment Criteria
Threshold criteria

In order to pass (i.e. to get a mark of 40% or more) the report must:

  • be in a typographically and structurally appropriate format, with comparatively few grammatical, typographical or stylistic errors;
  • explain the core purpose or functions of the organisation for which you worked;
  • describe the environment - technical and organisational - within which you were working;
  • describe what you were during your time in industry.

A report that meets all of the criteria listed above will receive a mark of at least 40%; a report that does not meet all of the criteria will receive a mark of less than 40%. It is rare that a student who has completed a placement satisfactorily submits a report that gets a mark of less than 40%.

80% upwards

A report in this range must be of a standard that would do credit to a professional consultant working for a prestigious firm. This means it will:

  • be typographically more or less faultless and free from grammatical errors;
  • be clear, concise and free of unnecessary jargon, particularly "management-speak";
  • be free from factual errors or misconceptions;
  • enable the reader to understand easily and accurately what the organisation you were working for does and what your role in its activities was. To achieve this you will have to select the material you include judiciously and structure it appropriately;
  • give a clear picture of the environment in which you worked;
  • demonstrate a through understanding of both the good and the bad aspects of the environment in which you were working, including, for example, limitations of the organisation's business model.

Few students are capable of producing work of this standard but there are usually one or two in each year.

70 to 79%

A mark in this range indicates a report that would be acceptable from a professional consultant but is definitely capable of improvement. Such a report will have the following characteristics:

  • there are few typographical errors and any grammatical errors are minor;
  • while the report is generally clear and concise, there are sentences or paragraphs that are too long or complicated, and passages that are obscure because of the jargon they use;
  • any factual errors or misconceptions are comparatively minor;
  • while the report will give the reader a good overall picture of what the organisation you were working for does and what your role was, there will be some gaps or areas of confusion;
  • the description of the environment in which you worked will be generally clear but there may be one or two areas that are confused;
  • while the report will demonstrate an understanding of both good and bad features of the environment, the understanding may not extend to some of the more profound issues.

Experience suggests that, in most years, somewhere between 20 and 30% of the reports will be of this quality.

60 to 69%

A mark in this range indicates a report that can be considered a good piece of student work but is not of professional standard. Typically,

  • there will be few typographical or grammatical errors;
  • the material will be factually correct but there will be significant gaps;
  • the description of the work you did and the company’s activities will be pedestrian and unselective;
  • the assessment of the benefit you obtained from the year out will be sensible and realistic but the critical evaluation of the environment will be superficial.
50 to 59%

A report receiving a mark in this range will give a reasonable picture of the organisation you worked for and what you did during your year but it will have significant shortcomings and would need to be completely rewritten before it could be sent to a client. Examples of likely weaknesses are:

  • there will be typographical or grammatical errors on most pages;
  • some passages in the report will be difficult to understand because they are badly written;
  • the report will contain significant factual errors, misconceptions or gaps;
  • the report will give the reader a one-sided view of the organisation or the work you did during your year;
  • while the report describes adequately the benefits that you obtained from your year out, there is no assessment of the environment in which you were working.
40 to 49%

A report in this range will contain enough information for the reader to understand in broad terms what the company you worked for does and what you did while working for it. It will, however, have substantial shortcomings, such as:

  • frequent typographical and grammatical errors;
  • much of the report will be difficult to read because of the way it's written or because it's badly structured;
  • there will be significant gaps in coverage, as well as significant errors and misconceptions;
  • the report will give a very narrow view of what the company does and what you did during your year;
  • the report will contain little, if any, assessment of the environment or the benefits you got from the year.

A mark in this range is usually the result of lack of effort and leaving things to the last minute.

30 to 39%

While containing a significant amount of correct and relevant material, a report that gains a mark in this range will fail to address at least one of the key areas as well as being badly written and difficult to understand. It is rare that a student who has completed a placement satisfactorily gets a mark as low as this.

less than 30%

A report that fails to address the key areas - what the company does, the environment in which you worked and what you did - will get a mark in this range. It normally indicates that you have failed to take the requirement to produce a report seriously.

Revised 11.9.96, 1.9.99 MFB
Revised 9.10.03, 7.8.09 AIS
Revised 25.1.11, 27.10.12, MFB
Revised and assessment criteria added 10.1.15 MFB
Revised 26.9.15 MFB

This page is maintained by Neal Snooke (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Industrial Year Assessment

This page does not apply to those students who are on a scheme without an integrated industrial placement - e.g. joint honours, or major/minor with business. For these students, there is no assessment, as it does not contribute to their degree.
Industrial Year Assessment

Your placement is assessed in two ways: firstly, by a report you write on your year, and secondly by a form that your employer will fill out for us at the end of the year. Each of these two parts contribute equally towards the assessment.

How much does this contribute towards my degree?

Being a full year, it is worth 120 credits. But it is weighted 1/4 on the cascading system. For details on how this affects your degree mark, see the official information on the cascading system.

Your Report

As a result, the report you write contributes around 2% of your degree (somewhat less for MEng). This is a lot of marks, considering the size of the report (guideline 5000 words). So it is worth putting effort into it. You don't need to include everything you did; make it a good read, and leave out things which were trivial or might not be interesting to a reader. Include diagrams and pictures to help tell your story. Don't assume the reader knows about the technologies you used, even at a relatively basic level. But most importantly, follow the guidelines and assessment criteria.

Your employer has the right to see the report before you hand it in, to make sure no confidential information is included. In practice, most employers do not ask to see your report, however. If your employer is concerned, you can offer to mark the front page of your report "CONFIDENTIAL"; it will then only be read by your supervisor and examiners, and will not be made available to anyone else to read. Remember to leave plenty of time for your employer to approve the report if this is necessary. Try to avoid including technical or other details that might be obviously be considered company confidential - it is usually possible to talk about what you did in a way that the company will not see as problematic. Talk to your Academic Supervisor and line manager at an early stage if you believe there may be any issues of this nature.

The Employer Assessment Form

You can see the assessment form we ask the employers to fill out;. It would be helpful if you could point your employer to this at the end of your placement. Doing so yourself, rather than us having to chase them for it, might also make them feel more kindly disposed towards you when they fill it out!

This page is maintained by Neal Snooke (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Student Guide

This page describes the administrative procedure for computer science students wishing to take an industrial placement. Other information is available describing the benefits, expected learning outcomes and assessment of industrial placements. A pdf version of this page is also available.
Who Should Take Industrial Placement?

All BEng and MEng students MUST take an assessed industrial placement following their second year of study as part of their degree scheme. Other single honours schemes within the Computer Science department have variants both with and without a sandwich year. If you are on a scheme which requires a sandwich year, and decide not to take one, you will be required to change your scheme (e.g. G401 to G400). Students doing Computer Science with a foreign language are required to spend their sandwich year in a country appropriate to the language they are studying. Students on these schemes will not be allowed to continue on these schemes if they fail to secure a suitable industrial placement. Students on other schemes (e.g. G400, G450, H620, FH56, all joint honours or other major/minor combinations) can optionally take an industrial placement that is not part of their course and is therefore not assessed.

IY Application Process (Student Perspective)

All students must realise that industrial placements are real jobs with real employers. The department will provide support and advice to help you find a job, however we cannot guarantee placements to students on sandwich schemes. Employers select students on merit using all the normal selection procedures and rigour that they do for graduate positions.

The application process starts near the beginning of the second year of study. Some large employers recruit early and positions may be filled before Christmas. Note also that for most positions you will be in competition with students from other institutions.

Very few students get the first job they apply for, but nearly all can get an appropriate job if they put in the effort. The department and careers service will help as much as possible, however the responsibility for finding an industrial year placement ultimately lies with the student. All students must keep the department (Industrial Placement Administrator) informed of progress - applications made, interviews attended, and the outcome. We cannot help if we do not know that problems exist.

The easy way to apply for a job is simply to send your CV. A covering letter is always a good idea. But if an employer asks you to fill out an application form, you should not be put off. Think to yourself that other students may not be bothered to fill out an application form, therefore you will have less competition. Also, you will demonstrate to the employer that you are genuinely interested in the job.

Getting Started

During induction week (or within the first few weeks of term in your second year), you will have a talk about industrial placements. Even before the talk students should start updating their CV produced in the first year and start thinking about the type of job or company you might like to work for.


 Students must obtain permission from the member of staff they choose to act as their referee. Staff have been known to refuse to give a reference for students who have not asked them first! The student can then sign up with the IY Administrator for the Gregynog weekend (see below). Students may choose any member of staff that knows them as their referee. Often this will be their 1st or 2nd year tutor, but it does not have to be. Note that members of staff are not obliged to agree to be a referee, in particular tutors with too many requests are likely to refuse. Get in early!

Note that although some feedback on CVs will be received during the Gregynog activity weekend this weekend is primarily aimed at the interview process and assumes that CVs have already been sent to employers. Students may wish to update their CV following the interviews and these do not need to be shown to your referee. Students should not wait for the Gregynog weekend before making applications, since a few deadlines (often for the more prestigious placements) fall before the weekend. Note also that CVs are a very personal document and as such computer science staff can only be expected to point out generally accepted or severe pitfalls. If you require more subtle advice concerning the finer points of style for example you should visit the Careers service.

Sign Up

All students in the computer science department intending to take an industrial placement year must inform the IY Administrator during the first semester of their second year. This especially applies to students on courses with optional placement years – otherwise we won't know you want one! All those with a compulsory IY will be deemed to have signed up when they pay their money for the Gregynog employability weekend. Note we cannot guarantee a place at Gregynog for students who are not on a scheme requiring an IY. Students must also notify the Industrial Placement Administrator (preferably by email) when they make applications and receive offers or rejections. When an offer is accepted the IY Administrator must be given the details of the placement (company, location, name of contact etc). You will then be given other administrative information as necessary for your placement. We will also inform the Academic office that you will be taking a placement.

Finding a Placement

 Many employers regularly take computer science placement students. These opportunities will be made available on the Department website, and any paper flyers the company might supply us with, placed on the IY notice board. The application deadlines and information about how to apply will be given. Most placements will require a CV and covering letter to be sent to the company. Many companies accept email applications, but you should be prepared to use an envelope and stamp! Students should remember that applications must arrive in good time for the deadline. Some companies have special application forms and these will be available from the Industrial Placement Administrator. Occasionally the IY Administrator might collect applications on a given closing date and forward them to the company. This will be clearly stated on the advertisement.

The Industrial Placement Administrator will also keep any additional literature we might have about companies or placements. Students should also check the YES and careers website for companies that cover a number of disciplines, or non-computing oriented companies.

The website is not the only source of placements. Jobs are advertised in the press, through recruitment companies, by word of mouth, and on the wider web. Students may know of companies local to their home or have personal contacts with potential employers. Many students have success by applying 'on spec' to companies they believe might offer opportunities – for example companies looking for graduates might also employ an IY student. All of these possibilities should be considered.

Students should contact the Industrial Year Coordinator if they need to determine the suitability of a particular job for their degree scheme.

Year in Employment Scheme (YES) placements are not assessed and students on a degree scheme that does not include an integrated industrial year may take a job as a YES placement. Please note that students must be 'eligible to proceed' (passed enough credits) to progress onto an assessed (integrated) industrial year. Any student who in ineligible but has secured a placement will usually be able to continue with the placement as an unassessed Year in Employment Scheme year out.

Other Support

Lots of help is available. An appointment can be made with the careers office for advice on making and targeting applications, improving their interview technique, or detailed advice on CV styles and trends etc. Students who are not having success after a number of applications should visit the IY coordinator and or the careers service for further advice.

During the Placement

The department will write to students on an industrial placement in or before October. A member of staff will be allocated to each student as an Academic Supervisor. The Academic supervisor will visit during the year and may request reports. The Academic supervisor will normally also be the first point of contact with the department in the case of any problems encountered during the year.

Students with resit exams need to consider carefully. Do not forget about these! Talk to your academic supervisor and/or a department advisor and agree when is the sensible time to do them if options are available. There is paperwork involved and if this is not completed you cannot sit an exam even if you turn up for it

The accommodation office will write to students on a placement around Christmas time to allow you to apply for places in hall for the following academic year. However, be prepared to chase them; things can go wrong (is your address correct on your student record, for example). Recently, the accommodation office deemed it sufficient to merely inform students via the weekly email, so do keep an eye on that.

The Academic office will send provisional registration forms for the third year of study year around June. Note you will receive these later than students not taking an industrial year.

Students taking a compulsory assessed placement should refer to the Student Handbook for information regarding the contribution the placement makes to their degree. Details of the assessment itself are available in the Report Guidelines, linked from the main IY web page.

If you have any concerns about health and safety matters you should inform your academic supervisor immediately.

This page is maintained by Neal Snooke (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).