IMPACS - Internal

Second year induction events, 2016

This is the timetable for the induction week events. It is extremely important that you attend all sessions; they tell you what is happening, and will give you certain programming skills you will be needing when it comes to work such as the group project.

Wednesday 28rd September

Morning - registration for those who were not able to complete all of it automatically

13:00-14:30 in EL 0.26 (Biology Main)
13:00 Formal welcome to the second year Angharad Shaw
13:05 We want you to pass this year; we really do! Here's how Chris Price
13:30 Developing software professionals Chris Price
14:00 What you can do this year to get your career off to a flying start Neal Snooke

Thursday 29th September

09:30-10:30 in EL 0.26 (Biology Main)
9:30 The Staff Student Committee Mark Neal
9:40 Java Chris Loftus
10:45-13:45 Practical group 1 surnames beginning A-J
14:00-17:00 Practical group 2 surnames beginning K-Z

Practicals will run in MP-3.03 and C56 (The Delphinium)

Friday 30th September

09:30-10:30 in Physics Main
9:30 Re-use, acknowledgement, citation. The Unacceptable Academic Practice procedures Nigel Hardy
10:00 Tell Us Now Angharad Shaw
10:45-13:45 Practical group 2 surnames beginning K-Z
14:00-17:00 Practical group 1 surnames beginning A-J

Practicals will run in MP-3.03 and C56 (The Delphinium)

Angharad Shaw, 26th September 2016

Careers Info

Helen Miles

Information about careers opportunities are made available on the yourfuture site that is setup for the department. It can only be accessed via the Aberystwyth network (either on Campus or via VPN).

The site contains information for students in all years, but more information will be available for students in years 2 and 3.

Helen Miles (contact details) is the Employability coordinator for the department.

There will be a 1 hour session most weeks during Semester 1 to help you prepare for your time after your course, whether that is further study, moving on to research or looking for a job. Helen will be in touch with the times and details.

First year induction events, 2016

Monday 26th September

10.00-10.30 Institute welcome to new students. (COMPULSORY) Main Lecture Theatre,
Physical Sciences Building,
10.30-11.30 Advising for first year students. (COMPULSORY) Main Lecture Theatre,
Physical Sciences Building,
14.30-15.30 Advising for first year students - repeat session.(COMPULSORY) Lecture Theatre B,
Physical Sciences Building,

Mathematics evaluation - 15 mins (take this if you achieved GCSE Mathematics grade B to A*)**

Computer Programming Self - Evaluation - 20 mins (Take if you are considering CS12510 Functional Programming).

Llandinam Building,
15.30-16.00 Meeting for students repeating year 1.(COMPULSORY) Lecture Theatre A,
Physical Sciences Building,
16.00-17.30 Welcome event - pizza and drinks. Arts Centre Cafe Bar,

Tuesday 27th September

09.00-17.00 First year registration.(COMPULSORY) Great Hall,
Arts Centre,

Wednesday 28th September

10.30-11.00 Meeting for female students. Room C57a,
Llandinam Building,
11.00-11.30 Meeting for overseas students. Room C57a,
Llandinam Building,
11.30-12.00 Meeting for mature students. Room C57a,
Llandinam Building,
12.00-12.30 Meeting for Welsh - speaking students. Room C57a,
Llandinam Building,
14.00-15.30 Familiarisation session for first year students(COMPULSORY) Main Lecture Theatre,
Physical Sciences Building,
15.30-17.00 Meet your personal tutor.(COMPULSORY) Main Lecture Theatre,
Physical Sciences Building,

Thursday 29th September

09.00-18.00 Introduction to programming for first year students.(COMPULSORY) Room B23,
Llandinam Building,

Friday 30th September

09.00-18.00 Introduction to programming for first year students.(COMPULSORY) Room B23,
Llandinam Building,

* Attend one session only - the repeat session at 14 .30 is for students who cannot attend the earlier session at 10.30.

** You do not need to do the evalua tion if you have AS or A lev el Mathematics Teaching starts on Monday 03 October 2016.

Information for Foundation Year

This page details information for all students studying in the Foundation Year in the Department of Computer Science.

Induction Week


Assessments Schedule

Assignment Schedules for 2016-2017

Staff Student Consultative Committee (SSCC) Representatives

The SSCC meets a couple of times each year, around the middle of the two Semesters.

The representatives will seek your views ahead of the meetings, but you can contact them at any time to raise any issues.

Page History
Date User Modification
22nd September 2014 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Created page with information for 2015-2016.
27th May 2016 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Moved to new internal intranet

This information is maintained by Wayne Aubrey, the Foundation year co-ordinator. If you have any questions about the Foundation year, please contact Wayne Aubrey (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).