IMPACS - Internal

Module result notes

Your results will be released onto your student record page on the web. Academic Office will tell you when they are due to be released.

Please note that:

  • Individual scripts or assignments cannot be re-marked.
  • Examination scripts will not be returned or copied for you. Part 2 assignments are retained for inspection by our external examiners.
  • It is almost certainly too late to tell us about special circumstances that you have not previously reported but now think affected your module result. This is because you have already been asked to think about your circumstances and how they have affected your work, and provide us with that information using the special circumstances form mechanism. You were reminded of this at the start of the exam period.
    The only exception might be where the circumstances themselves prevented communication (e.g. hospitalisation over the exam period, or clinical depression).
  • If you have completed a special circumstances form but have not yet provided evidence you MUST obtain that and submit it before the department exam boards for your circumstances to be considered. This is your responsibility.

If you have evidence that a module result may be incorrect, e.g. a returned grade mismatching an assignment mark, or an apparently missing mark, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the first instance.

Do NOT email individual members of staff, academic office or cs-office. Your query will just be redirected to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as information must come from one source within the department.

If you are still unhappy after the response from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. you are always entitled to appeal your result. This must be done within fourteen days of release of results. Late appeals will not be considered. Please see the official Aberystwyth University information pages on this link: