IMPACS - Internal

The basic rules regarding resits for students in 1st through 3rd year

Part One (Year 1)

Part Two (Year 2 and Above)
If you have failed a module you will have a letter flag indicator:
  • R - failed < 40%
  • M - medical or personal reason for resitting
If you have failed a module you will have a letter flag indicator:
  • F - may be resat for a maximum of 40% once
  • H - Honours resit - not capped at 40% - possibility of an F resit if failed again
  • N - may not be resat due to unfair practice
In order to progress to Part 2:
  • You must pass at least 100 credits in order to progress to year 2
  • If you failed 0-20 credits no need to resit
  • If you failed 30-60 credits you may resit in summer (the 'supplementary' resits) to get your failure down to at most 20 credits (consider taking enough credits for 'insurance')
  • If you failed more than 60 credits you cannot resit during the summer and must resit in the next academic year - probably as a full time 'internal' student, but if you wish you could just resit the assessments of the modules you failed 'externally' in which case you can be anywhere.
If you started Part 2 in 2013 or 2014, in order to get a degree:
  • You must pass all but 20 credits in Part 2.
  • You can only resit modules once (unless they have an H flag or you go for a clean slate)
  • So, if at the end of year 2 you failed up to 60 credits you should resit them in the summer (the 'supplementary' resits) to get your failure down to, at most 20, and ideally NO credits.
    If you don't think you can realistically get the number down to at most 20 credits of fail, see below.
  • If at the end of year 2 you failed 70 or 80 credits you could resit 60 credits in the summer, hoping to pass everything, and then go on carrying 10 or 20 credits of fail - this would be a highly risky strategy. See next point.
  • If you failed more than 80 credits or if after the summer resits you still failed more than 20 credits you must resit the modules you failed during the next academic year. These are some of the options (please ask):
    • Starting with a clean slate, as people do in year 1, and resitting as a full-time 'internal' student, possibly changing scheme and choices.
    • Just resitting any available modules as a part-time 'internal' student, possibly changing scheme and choices. You will be capped at 40% in the modules you resit and cannot take modules again that you tried in the summer.
    • Or you could just resit the assessments 'externally' in which case you can be anywhere. You will be capped at 40% in the modules you resit and cannot take modules again that you tried in the summer.