IMPACS - Internal

An explanation of resit terminology

Explanation of resit terms

There are 3 kinds of resits:

  • Supplementary - these are done during the summer and use the 'supplementary assessment' guidelines from the module descriptions - see
  • Internal - these are done during the academic year while resitting as a Full Time or Part Time 'normal' student. You attend lectures etc. and do the same assessments as other students.
  • External - these are done during the academic year (assignments and exams) only, either truly 'external' (i.e. you can be anywhere) or if you failed the modules in your second year, while you are completing year 3 in Aberystwyth or on your industrial year.

Note, you cannot move to Part 2 until you have passed Year 1 or to the next year in Part 2 until you are in a position to get a degree

Internal resit students retaking the whole or part of the year participate in the course in the normal way.

So the rest of this page is for supplementary (summer) and external resit students AND year 3 students resitting one or two year 2 modules.


Course Notes on the web
Accessing Blackboard - be sure to click on the right year tab!
  • Most course materials for Computer Science are on Blackboard. If the module you failed was one of these courses then access Blackboard in the normal way.
  • Supplementary students resit the examinations they failed in August. The time period for summer examinations is given out earlier than the individual examination dates.
    You must keep the whole period free. You also must resit failed assignments.
  • External resit students' exams are on the exam timetable for the semester the module is offered. They may have special examination papers if the content of the module has changed significantly, or if the module is no longer available. So students should check the examination seating arrangements carefully. These students must resit both examination and the new assignments.
Assignment Submission - click on the right year tab if submitting/viewing via Blackboard
  • Supplementary students should find their assignments on Blackboard

    Please be sensible - if you know there should be an assignment and don't find it get in touch.
    Make sure you have the right year for Blackboard and submit as instructed

  • External students will normally find their assignments on Blackboard or the module page on CourseNotes. We suggest that you contact the module coordinator if you have any questions.
  • If you are asked to use email instead of Blackboard to submit then send your assignment to the lecturer and also This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (unless told otherwise in the instructions).
  • A reply email will be sent acknowledging receipt. If you do not receive an acknowledgment within two days please contact the Department to ensure that your assignment has been received.

The basic rules regarding resits for students in 1st through 3rd year

Part One (Year 1)

Part Two (Year 2 and Above)
If you have failed a module you will have a letter flag indicator:
  • R - failed < 40%
  • M - medical or personal reason for resitting
If you have failed a module you will have a letter flag indicator:
  • F - may be resat for a maximum of 40% once
  • H - Honours resit - not capped at 40% - possibility of an F resit if failed again
  • N - may not be resat due to unfair practice
In order to progress to Part 2:
  • You must pass at least 100 credits in order to progress to year 2
  • If you failed 0-20 credits no need to resit
  • If you failed 30-60 credits you may resit in summer (the 'supplementary' resits) to get your failure down to at most 20 credits (consider taking enough credits for 'insurance')
  • If you failed more than 60 credits you cannot resit during the summer and must resit in the next academic year - probably as a full time 'internal' student, but if you wish you could just resit the assessments of the modules you failed 'externally' in which case you can be anywhere.
If you started Part 2 in 2013 or 2014, in order to get a degree:
  • You must pass all but 20 credits in Part 2.
  • You can only resit modules once (unless they have an H flag or you go for a clean slate)
  • So, if at the end of year 2 you failed up to 60 credits you should resit them in the summer (the 'supplementary' resits) to get your failure down to, at most 20, and ideally NO credits.
    If you don't think you can realistically get the number down to at most 20 credits of fail, see below.
  • If at the end of year 2 you failed 70 or 80 credits you could resit 60 credits in the summer, hoping to pass everything, and then go on carrying 10 or 20 credits of fail - this would be a highly risky strategy. See next point.
  • If you failed more than 80 credits or if after the summer resits you still failed more than 20 credits you must resit the modules you failed during the next academic year. These are some of the options (please ask):
    • Starting with a clean slate, as people do in year 1, and resitting as a full-time 'internal' student, possibly changing scheme and choices.
    • Just resitting any available modules as a part-time 'internal' student, possibly changing scheme and choices. You will be capped at 40% in the modules you resit and cannot take modules again that you tried in the summer.
    • Or you could just resit the assessments 'externally' in which case you can be anywhere. You will be capped at 40% in the modules you resit and cannot take modules again that you tried in the summer.