IMPACS - Internal

Physics Exchange Schemes

The Institute strongly supports the Year in Employment Scheme (YES) which offers the chance for students to have one year's work experience before returning for their final year. Placements in industry, government laboratories or abroad give valuable employment experience, the scope to develop personal and technical skills as well as establishing valuable contacts with potential employers.

The Institute also fully participates in the university's exchange scheme with the USA. This is a competitive scheme that offers students a chance to spend a year studying at one of a number of physics departments in the USA.

The following universities have Erasmus links with Physics in Aberystwyth:

University of Technology Chemnitz, Chemnitz, German

University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany

University of Tromso, Tromso, Norway

Students from these universities are credited for their studies in Aberystwyth, through the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), and they do not pay tuition fees in Aberystwyth. Students should contact their Erasmus coordinator for further information about studying in Aberystwyth. It is also possible to renew previous links in Denmark, France, Finland.

Overseas students from other universities who wish to study Mathematics in Aberystwyth, should contact the Institute Administrator using the contact information to the left.